The business was started in 2018 at 185 Fordyce Walk, Melanie Damishana, E.C.D. by Mr. George Headley.
OTCS is a young registered Online, and Blended mode training business that operates under Section 8 of the Business Names (Registration) Act, Chapter 90:05. It has an experienced and qualified manager whose profile (qualifications and experiences) will attest to this.
OTCS is open to collaboration with other Institution that are interested in:
According to Lemke (cited in Poole 2002, para.9) Today s students live in a global, knowledge-based age, and they deserved teachers whose practice embrace the best that technology can bring to learning.
Over the next decade, the practices of teaching and learning will undergo fundamental changes as schools, universities, colleges and training units/departments respond to global, social, political, technological, and learning research trends. Institutions, training departments or individuals need to be well positioned to respond creatively to developing change pressure.
The trend today is that, many tertiary institutions, schools, and training departments/units are making substantial investments in new technologies such as Course Management Systems (CMS) for teaching and learning purposes. One such (CMS) is Moodle.
Institutions and training departments/units need to be forward looking. For institutions and departments/units to be forward-looking, they need to radically re-examine their role and be prepared to make adjustments and implement changes that will improve teaching and learning and the institutions or departments/units overall performance, it has to incorporate forward-looking technology-technology that will enhance the teaching and learning process.
According to Bates (1999), For technological change to be effective, it usually needs to be accompanied by major structural and organizational changes for its full potential to be realized.
Schools, tertiary institutions, corporations and training Units/Departments in Guyana focus on face-to-face training at their locations. At the same time, there are strong (unrealized market potentials-demand) for online courses/programmes to attract students in various regions in Guyana and overseas through the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in their teaching and learning process.
During training, staff will not have to leave their work station or need time off, since they will study at their convenience; anywhere, anytime (24/7) for the duration of the training.